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Acceptance and use


Your e-learning program can only be successful if it is also accepted and used.

Actual use

Actual use can be assessed with Fragebogen zur tatsächlichen Nutzung des Lernsystems (doc, 56 kB, in German). Alternatively, automatic session protocols ("logfiles") or observations can be used to capture the actual use.

Factors influencing use

Results from research indicate that the actual use depends on various factors (Bürg & Mandl, 2003; Davis, 1989; see below 'Background information'):

  1. Personal and environmental variables
  2. Perceived benefit
  3. Perceived user-friendliness
  4. Attitude toward use

1. Personal and environmental variables can be assessed with the following instruments:

2. The following instrument is available to assess the expected usefulness of the learning system:

3. The perceived ease of use can be measured with the instruments presented on the page on Usability:

4. Attitude towards use can be assessed with the following instrument:

Background information

Background information about acceptance and use of e-learning systems can be found on the page on Background information about acceptance and use

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)