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Product level

The focus of this level is on the product characteristics of the project or which characteristics the product should include.

Evaluation question Instruments / Information

Further information

  • How user-friendly is the technology?
  What is usability?
     Usability questionnaires: ISOMetrics (in German):  http://www.isometrics.uni-osnabrueck.de/qn.htm

ISONORM (in German) at www.ergo-line.de/…
  SUMI at http://sumi.ucc.ie/ (the PDF 4.0 link leads to a test version)  
  "Usability-Fragebogen" (short version, doc, 68 kB, in German)  
     Usability testing: User-based methods  
  Expert-based methods  
  • Which features does the product cover and to what extent?
     Criteria catalogues: EPL (Expanded Test List for Learning Systems) Overview of criteria catalogues
  AKAB (Criteria Catalogue of the Automotive Industry Education Work Group)  
  Evaluating e-learning checklist  

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)