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Checklist on integration of new media into study

“How do I integrate learning with new media into studying and working activities?” The following checklist (adapted from Reinmann-Rothmeier, 2000, p. 102)will be helpful  when answering this question:

  1. I use new media to present sample activities and model solutions for upcoming problem situations.
  2. I provide the students with new media which promote and support self-directed learning.
  3. I encourage the students to self-directed learning in their studies (and at the workplace) with and without new media, and I offer my help and advice in this respect.
  4. I provide the students with access to data networks and appropriate software to promote and support cooperative learning.
  5. I encourage the students towards cooperative learning in their studies (and at the workplace) with and without new media, and ensure the necessary conditions are in place.
  6. I offer the students experts as “models” to clarify the activities  and inner thought processes required.

The authors suggest developing, for example, a questionnaire or an interview guide based on this checklist to survey media experts, teachers or students about these aspects. A document analysis or an observation of learning activities can also be conducted on these issues.

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)