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Checklist to ensure problem-orientation in multimedia learning environments

Lernsoftware "kann danach analysiert werden […], inwieweit sie ein aktiv-konstruktives, kontextbezogenes (fallbasiertes) Lernen und damit die Anwendung des Gelernten bereits beim Wissenserwerb fördert."  (Reinmann-Rothmeier & Mandl, 2000)

(Translation: learning software "can be tested to assess to what extent it promotes an active, constructive context-related (case-based) learning and thereby the application of the learned material already at the point where the knowledge is acquired.")

The following checklist (adapted from Reinmann-Rothmeier & Mandl, 2000, p. 102) can help you to do this. Basic question: "How do I ensure that multimedia learning environments are problem-oriented?"

  1. I use new media in conjunction with relevant problem cases.
  2. I make sure that the software used includes subject-related problems and authentic situations (e.g. in relation to the field of study).
  3. I use new media to create different contexts of application.
  4. I make sure that the software used includes different contexts and perspectives.
  5. I take on a consulting and supporting function in employing new media.
  6. I make sure that the product employed (e.g. software, LMS, etc.) includes guiding and support components.

Reinmann-Rothmeier and Mandl (2000) suggest developing a questionnaire or an interview guide based on this checklist to survey media experts, teachers or students about these aspects. A document analysis or an observation of learning activities can also be carried out on these issues.

Additionally, Tergan (2000, p. 145) lists the following characteristics to promote transfer into practice:

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