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Checklist to ensure transfer

Basic question: “Which auxiliary measures do I take in courses with new media?” (adapted from Reinmann-Rothmeier, 2000, p. 102)

  1. Before the course, …
    a. I discuss the goals of the course with the students;
    b. I motivate the students to an application-based learning;
    c. I plan the subsequent application of the learned material with the students.
  2. After the course, ...
    a. I emphasise to the students once more the possibilities for putting the learned material into practice.
    b. I urge the students to undertake direct or electronic exchange of experience ;
    c. I provide opportunities for specialisation or extension of knowledge;
    d. I identify  application goals with the students (from: Gerard, 2003).
  3. In the workplace (meaning a place in which the knowledge is applied; in the context of university education, it can also mean e.g. a traineeship, laboratory work or a workshop)…
    a. I indicate scope for development to the students;
    b. I give feedback;
    c. I actively offer help in case of problems;
    d. I encourage self-monitoring.

The authors suggest developing for example a questionnaire or an interview guide based on this checklist to survey media experts, teachers or students about these aspects. A document analysis or an observation of learning activities can be also conducted on these issues.

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)