Apart from
the general instructions presented in this chapter, the following issues should be considered for interviews:
- Recording
of data: Define how the data should be documented. Examples are as follows: Recording of
the responses in a prepared response scale (in standardised interviews), written protocol of the responses
or recording on an audio or video recorder (in non-standardised interviews, see page on Interviews).
- Skills of the interviewer: The interviewers should be familiar with conducting interviews and should know the aim of the interview. If necessary, organise appropriate training for the potential interviewers (cf. Von Saldern, 1998; Bortz & Döring, 2003).
- Being
informed: The interviewer should be able to answer questions about the project; thus, he/she should be familiar with the project.
- Being neutral: The interviewer should remain neutral towards the interviewees and towards the questions!
- Creating
a pleasant atmosphere: The interviewer should create a relaxed atmosphere
during each interview. For example, he/she should be able to react to complaints or organisational problems in a responsible
and appropriate way.
- Needless to say, the interviewer
should have sufficient language skills.
- Being self-critical: In order to avoid influences on responses as a result of their conduct, behaviour, attitude, etc. the interviewer should be always aware of his/her behaviour.
- Medium:
How do you want to communicate with the interview partner? Directly (face-to-face), by
phone, by online messaging, etc.? This depends not only on the technical
possibilities but also on the issues to be discussed.
- Do you want to conduct personal or group interviews? Group settings are appropriate if you want to gain insights from a relatively open group discussion. A personal interview can be more easily standardised.
General procedure
A) Preparation
- Prepare an interview schedule
- Send a letter to interview partners to inform them and prepare them regarding the topics to be discussed. If necessary, the interview schedule can be also sent.
- Arrange
interview place, time and duration with each interview partners (by phone).
- Collect information about the project and the interview partners (role in the project).
B) Implementaiton
- Greet and introduce yourself, refer to the cover letter.
- Explain once more why the survey is being conducted.
- Explain that the interview will be minuted / recorded.
- Explain what will happen to the results.
- Begin the interview.
- Conclude the interview: Allow the interviewee to ask questions and comment, thank him/her for the information and their participation.