Herzlich Willkommen
Deutsch Français English


Apart from the general instructions presented in this chapter, the following issues should be considered for interviews:

General procedure

A) Preparation

  1. Prepare an interview schedule
  2. Send a letter to interview partners to inform them and prepare them regarding the topics to be discussed. If necessary, the interview schedule can be also sent.
  3. Arrange interview place, time and duration with each interview partners (by phone).
  4. Collect information about the project and the interview partners (role in the project).

B) Implementaiton

  1. Greet and introduce yourself, refer to the cover letter.
  2. Explain once more why the survey is being conducted.
  3. Explain  that the interview will be minuted / recorded.
  4. Explain what will happen to the results.
  5. Begin the interview.
  6. Conclude the interview: Allow the interviewee to ask questions and comment, thank him/her for the information and their participation.
© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)