Herzlich Willkommen
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Portfolio level

At this level, the focus of the evaluation is the invitation for applications and selection of projects. The evaluation also takes place early on in the process, i.e. at the mobilisation phase, when the invitation for applications and project selection take place. However, there are often  new calls for projects at regular  intervals. On such occasions, evaluation questions can come into focus again.

Do the procedures for invitation for applications and selection of projects pay off? 

Program managers can control the quality of project applications by means of a  “call for projects”. An important issue in this respect is the clear communication of program goals, but the procedure of selection also has to meet certain requirements (several evaluators, clear assessment criteria, transparent procedures, etc.). The evaluation of the procedures for  invitation for applications and selection of projects highlights whether improvements (such as revision of application forms) or support for applicants (e.g. pre-selection workshops) are necessary.

How are the project applications to be assessed?

In examining the project applications, one should make sure that, on the one hand, each individual application meets certain criteria (e.g. goal clarity), and on the other hand, the sum of the projects to be approved covers the goals of the program.

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)