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Goal hierarchies

Goals can be formulated on various levels of abstraction (cf. Beywl & Schepp-Winter, 1999):

Especially in large-scale, complex projects, the broadly conceived, long-term policy goals should be clear. In order to implement them, these visions should be specified at the levels of mediator and functional goals.


An example of a goal hierarchy can be found on the Goal Hierarchy -  Example page.

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Source and background information: In “Goal Identification and Clarification – a Guide” [in German; "Zielfindung und Zielklärung - ein Leitfaden" (Beywl & Schepp-Winter, 1999)] the design of goal hierarchies is described in detail (see Chapter 4: The Tertiary Goal System [in German; "Kapitel 4: Das dreigegliederte Zielsystem"]). http://www.univation.org/download/QS_21.pdf (815 kB; external)

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