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Need analysis

Performing a need analysis involves comparing the current and target status, with the latter defined either by the project team or in conjunction with the target group. Different needs belong to different categories:

A need analysis can be divided into three sub-tasks:

The methods with which these analyses can be carried out are manifold. Depending on the questions to be examined, various qualitative or quantitative methods may be suitable:

Important: Needs, i.e. the discrepancy between the current and target situation, also provide a guideline for a final evaluation of the project by answering the question as to whether the target situation has been achieved, i.e. whether the needs have been met, and which factors were responsible if the needs were poorly met or not met at all (Reinmann-Rothmeier & Mandel, 2000).


To give you an idea of how you can design your own needs analyses we have included two examples of needs analyses from the e-learning domain: Needs analysis - Examples.

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)