One issue to note with assessments of project proposals is that each proposal should meet certain criteria.
- These can be, for example, those criteria that are presented at the concept level: Goal clarity, need and feasibility. Tools for the evaluation of project applications based on these general criteria can be found in the section on "Project evaluation" on the page on Concept level.
- A sample of an assessor's form considering various general and specific criteria is ‚Funds zur Finanzierung
lehrbezogener Projekte’ (Fonds Filep, ETH Zürich) ["Fonds for financing teaching-related projects"]: Assessor's Form (rtf, 174 kB, in German).
Another issue to note is that the sum of the projects to be appeoved must cover all the goals of the program.
- To this end, the project proposals are analysed to assess which of the program goals are to be attained by the proposed project. The principle of goal hierarchy can be used to build an overview (see page on Goal hierarchies): the program goals are listed as policy goals and the project goals extracted from the project proposals are assigned to mediator goals, i.e. the following question should be answered for each project goal: Which program goal does this project goal help achieve? In an overall view it will be apparent whether all program goals are covered by project proposals, or whether there should be a call for projects with specific emphasis.