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Goal hierarchies

Goals can be formulated on various levels of abstraction (cf. Beywl & Schepp-Winter, 1999):

Particularly in complex, large-scale projects, the broadly conceived, long-term policy goals should be clear. In order to implement them, these visions should be specified in terms  of mediator goals and (specifically for each project) functional goals. An example of a goal hierarchy can be found here: Goal hierarchy Fonds filep (doc, 118 kB, in German).

Important: In program evaluation, goal hierarchies also have the function of combining project goals (mediator goals) with program goals (policy goals). In this way, it becomes clear how the individual projects contribute to the overall program, and which projects pursue which goals within a program. The results of individual project evaluations can also be aggregated according to the higher-level goals.

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Weighting of goals

In order to make the priorities clear and to sharpen the profile of the program, the policy goals and / or the mediator goals can be weighted (by the members of the program management or by the project staff or other stakeholders in participative programs): Weighting questionnaire (doc, 64 kB, in German).

and background information: In “Goal Identification and Clarification – a Guide” [in German; "Zielfindung und Zielklärung - ein Leitfaden" (Beywl & Schepp-Winter, 1999)] the design of goal hierarchies is described in detail (see Chapter 4: The Tertiary Goal System [in German; "Kapitel 4: Das dreigegliederte Zielsystem"]). http://www.univation.org/download/QS_21.pdf (814 kB; external)

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