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Feasibility study

A variety of questions can be the focus of feasibility studies (cf. Projekt Magazin, 2005):

When conducting a feasibility study, there are no pre-set methods. Depending on the project or program whose feasibility is to be studied, various methods can be applied. Examples of these are as follows:

The result of a feasibility study is a report which can comprise the following issues (cf. Jenny, 2001):

  1. Initial situation
  2. Goals and approaches to solutions
  3. Profitability analysis
  4. Risk analysis
  5. Project organisation
  6. Overall project planning
  7. Subdividing into modular projects

Guidelines on how to conduct a feasibility study can be downloaded as a pdf file at the following site:
http://www.oleimeulen.info/content/references.htm (under 'Machbarkeitsstudien', in German)


To give you an idea of how you can design your own feasibility study we have included an example of a feasibility study from the e-learning domain:  Feasibility - Example.

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)