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Transfer level

The focus of evaluation at this level is the question whether the transfer of learned material can be put into practice successfully. This question is usually investigated within the context of a summative evaluation in the implementation phase when the course is already active.

summative evaluation

Summative evaluation allows the [subsequent] control of quality, effects and usefulness of an educational course. The question of interest is whether an educational course or individual components of the course can meet certain expectations in practice (translated from Tergan, 2000).

However, the basic principles of transfer orientation should be considered as early as the product development stage. This means they can also form the basis for formative evaluation at the development phase.

formative evaluation

“A type of process evaluation of new programs or services that focuses on collecting data on program operations so that needed changes or modifications can be made to the program in the early stages. This type of (=>) evaluation is carried out while a (=>) project or (=>) program is implemented in order to provide timely, continuous feedback as work progresses”. (From: Nonprofit Good Practice Guide, Formative Evaluation)

The following questions might be asked at this level:

Is the learning environment problem-oriented?

This question is linked to the product level, however it does focus on the transfer potential of the course.

Which measures are taken to promote the transfer at the implementation stage?

This question analyses the steps accompanying the implementation of the product  in order to enable the transfer to practice at a later date.

Can what is learned be transferred to new settings?

The point here is to formulate transfer goals for a specific course and to check during the practice phase (e.g. in the laboratory, during a work placement, etc.) whether the transfer goals have been achieved.

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)