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Interview on project goals and measures

This kind of interview allows:

A prerequisite is that you know the goals of the program; ideally, a goal hierarchy has been developed for your program with policy and mediator goals (cf. information about goal hierarchies).

The questions are directed at the project leader or another representative of the project. The interviews can be conducted by telephone or (preferably) in a person; the answers can be written down or can be recorded by an audio recorder (with the consent of the interviewee).

1. Goals:

2. Measures:

3. Indicators:

4. Relation to the overall program:

5. Problems and need for support:

The complete interview guide (to be completed further by the mediator goals of your program) can be found here: Interviewleitfaden zu Projektzielen und Massnahmen [Interview guide for project goals and measures] (doc, 50 kB, in German).

  • Analysis example of a comparison of project activities with weighting of program goals
  • The number of projects aiming at a certain program goal is compared with the weightings of the program goals (arithmetic mean): Projektaktivitäten und Zielgewichte [Project activities and goal weightings] (pdf, 48 kB, in German). The weighting data have been gathered with a weighting questionnaire (see Page Goal Hierarchies).
© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)