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Network analysis

Using of network analysis, the nature of the relationship of the projects to one another and the quality and density of the project network can be investigated within a program. This highlights potential synergies and also, in some circumstances, the need for further coordination measures (such as network meetings).

Individual projects within a program represent the nodes of the network, with connections to other nodes to be shown. Possible dimensions of networking can be as follows:

Project A knows Project B.

Familiarity: Project A is known by Project B.

Input relationship: Project A can use a product of Project B.

Output relationship: A product of Project A is relevant for Project B.

Cooperation: Project A cooperates with Project B.

A network analysis can be conducted simply using the following questionnaire: Fragebogen zur Vernetzung [Questionnaire on networking] (doc, 20 kB, in German). The projects (network nodes) you want to analyse go in the rows, while the network dimensions (change or complete if necessary) go in the columns.

  • Analysis example
  • One option is to represent the relationships between the projects – the data on which has been collected using the networking questionnaire – simply as connections between nodes (cf. Netzwerkdarstellung 1 [network diagram 1] (pdf, 276 kB, in German) witha diagram for each dimension: Orientation, familiarity, etc.). The dimensions orientation / familiarity and input / output can also be visualised in a coordinate system: Netzwerkdarstellung 2 [network diagram 2] (pdf, 26 kB, in German). Network analysis tools such as UCINET offer further analysis options (http://www.analytictech.com/ucinet/ucinet.htm).
© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)