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General information about questionnaires

A questionnaire is a written survey of people on a specific subject. It consists of several items or questions to be answered. Sometimes, more than one question is asked about the same matter (such as the acceptance of an e-learning program); viewed as a whole, such a grouping of questions comprises what is known as a scale. It is possible to use several scales in one questionnaire (for example, on the subjects of "acceptance," "actual use," "learning results").

Question formulation and answer formats
The items on a questionnaire can either be formulated as a question or a statement. A distinction is made between open and closed answer formats.

Required resources

Questionnaires are a efficient (you can collect the opinions of many people within a short period of time) and low-cost method. The use of online questionnaires (such as Grafstat: http://www.grafstat.de/) is particularly efficient in saving postage fees and data entry.

One advantage is that many people can be surveyed at the same time using questionnaires. At the same time, written surveys are frequently considered  more anonymous than, for example, oral surveys. This can have a positive influence on readiness to answer honestly and to think thoroughly about the questions.

The disadvantages of questionnaires include the fact that the situation in which the participants fill out the questionnaire often cannot be controlled. Furthermore, hte response rates are frequently quite low, i.e. the results of the questionnaire campaign do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the whole target group. Therefore, questionnaires should be administered, if possible, be used within the context of an attended course.

Guidelines on questionnaire construction

If you want or have to develop a questionnaire you can find information at these following sites:

© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)