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Data recording

Recording of questionnaire data
The following explanations refer to questionnaires with closed questions (i.e. with predefined response options). In order to analyse such data with a statistics program such as SPSS or Excel, you first need to create a data sheet (cf. Example data sheet, pdf, 36kB). This is arranged in columns and rows:

=> The individual questions for the questionnaire can be found in the columns (ideally in the same order as  the questionnaire); the first column should contain an identification number or something similar for each participant).
=> The rows contain the responses of the participants on the different questions.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4

Please make surethat the column headings always refer to the corresponding questionnaire item (i.e. to the corresponding question). e therefore suggest you assign a short name to each question and record it in a separate document.

Coding of responses

Each response option is coded in order to be entered into the data sheet and  analysed. This means that a number is assigned to each response option (e.g. 1 for “disagree”, 2 “somewhat disagree”, 3 for “undecided”, 4 for “somewhat agree” and 5 for “agree”; or 1 for “male”, 2 for “female”, 1 for “yes”, 0 for “no”, etc.). The meaning of the codes should also be documented precisely!

IMPORTANT: Several questions about one topic (e.g. 4 questions about the usability aspect of “controllability”) constitute what is known as a scale. In the analysis, each question is not usually considered separately, instead a mean value is calculated for questions belonging to a scale. Here, it is important to invert the coding for the questions formulated negatively.

mean value

“The long-term average of occurrences; also called the expected value” (From: Statistical Glossary, Mean Value)

Positively formulated item: “The software offers the option of interrupting the task at any time and continuing at a later time without loss of data.” Coding: 1 for “disagree” – 5 “agree”.

Negatively formulated item: “The software enforces an unnecessarily strict way of complying with the task steps.” Coding: 5 for “disagree” – 1 for “agree”.

Missing Values

For an item which is not checked, the value “0” should not be entered, as this would negatively bias the result for a subsequent mean value calculation. Simply leave the cell blank.

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© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)