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Summary of contents

Latest developments and workshop dates.
About this handbook Information on the goals and target group for the handbook, instructions for use and how it began.
People People involved in this project.
Evaluation: General A definition of evaluation and descriptions of further important terms, information about different evaluation methods.
Project evaluation This section takes you through the process of evaluation, i.e. from planning to reporting, of your project. There are various tools for data collection in the 'Instrument selection' chapter.
Program evaluation This section takes you through the process of evaluation, i.e. from planning to reporting for your program. There are various tools for data collection in the 'Instrument selection' chapter.
Further Information A glossary, links to topics such as evaluation and learning technologies, further reading and examples.
Downloads    An overview of all downloads.
© 2009 ETH Zürich und Université de Fribourg (CH)