Comme certains d’entre vous le savent, Switch est en train de reprendre une partie des activités du Campus virtuel suisse et d’edutech.
Nous nous faisons un plaisir de vous transmettre leur invitation :
Dear all,
The swiss virtual campus has come to an end. However, as many of you already know, some of the SVC and edutech activities will be taken over by SWITCH. In particular, SWITCH will launch the _eduhub_ , which is a Swiss Academic eLearning Community Platform
A first version of the eduhub website will be launched in July.
As a part of the eduhub project, we are very pleased to invite you to participate in the online conference of Nadia Spang-Bovey from the University of Lausanne : "Concept maps : types, uses and software"
This is an online conference, and you are welcome to participate.
Date : 19.5.08
Time : 11:00 - 12:00
Place : online (any browser, Internet Explorer or Macintosh, headset is mandatory, no download, no plug-in, no password)
Target public : academic teachers
Register by sending an email to You will then receive the access information to the Adobe Connect tool two days before the meeting.
"Concept mapping is a technique for representing knowledge and processes visually." For an overview of various types of conceptual visualization, please have a look at
Several pieces of software are available to the teacher and the researcher who designs concept maps. Each software accommodates for one or several types of concept maps, which can be classified in categories such as mindmaps, knowledge maps, system maps, decision trees, and so on. This presentation will provide a brief demo and overview of the characteristics of software such as CMapTools, Inspiration, PersonalBrain, KnowledgeMap Inforapid or Vue, and some hints to their potential educational use.
Hoping this conference will be of use to you I am looking forward to meeting you online.
SWITCH e-learning services
Rolf Brugger
Andreas Röllinghoff
Serving Swiss Universities
Dr. Rolf Brugger, project manager e-learning services
Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
phone +41 44 268 15 89, fax +41 44 268 15 68,
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- Information aux correspondants informatiques
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- Nouveaux ateliers pour le semestre d’été 2004
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(février 2004)
- Nouveau look pour le site NTE
(janvier 2004)
- Présentation Video Conference
(novembre 2003)
- Duplication de CD-ROM
(octobre 2003)
- SVC Info : Call for Proposals Consolidation Program
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- Campus Virtuel Suisse, consolidation, journée d’information
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(août 2003)
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(juin 2003)
- Nouveau site web du Centre NTE
(mai 2003)
- Apprendre Macromedia Flash
(avril 2003)
(mars 2003)
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- 20 février 2003, Enseignement et NTIC à l’Université de Fribourg.
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(décembre 2002)