ࡱ> FHEy bjbjEE .''  ---- 9-7UUUUU0006666666$8T;6000006UU60FUU606o3S6U l-v:5s660758<"<0S6<S6 00000006600070000<000000000 : Source: Lubli-Loud, M. (1997). Guidelines for planning of project and program evaluation. Bern: Swiss Federal Office for Health, Department Evaluation. Checklist: Contents of an evaluation report Table of contents Acknowledgements Terms and abbreviations Summary of the study (background, aim, methodology, most important results, conclusions and recommendations) 1. Introduction Object of the evaluation Task and aim of the evaluation Description and positioning of the evaluated project: Aims, operationalization, context Evaluation task and (theoretical) background: Conditions, aim(s), purpose of use, questions of the evaluation 2. Methodology: Explanation of the methods choice, use of the methods / Conducting of the data collection and analysis, sources of information Clearly laid-out presentation (if appropriate tabular or synoptical) of collected data sources / interview partners raw data questions responses Clearly laid-out presentation of the used methods and of the process of the data collection and analysis Presentation of possible limits of the reliability of the evaluation (e.g. due to missing data or biased selection of the interview partners) 3. Results and Discussion How has the project developed in relation to plan, how was its progress? Have the original project aims changed? If yes: how? Why have the project plans changed? What has the project achieved? What has the project not achieved? What can be said on the effect of the project? 4. Conclusions und taking stock Has the project achieved the defined aims? How? Why, why not? Which were preventing factors, which were promoting factors? How have such factors influenced the development and the progress of the project? Which are the strengths of the project? Which are the weaknesses of the project? 5. Recommendations Which recommendations / instructions result for which participants regarding the future of the project the set-up of a similar project in the same setting, e.g. in the same canton? the set-up of a similar project in another setting, e.g. in another canton? Which lessons result for the program leader regarding participation in a similar project? 6. Appendix In the appendix, the following points should be included: Examples for data collection and analysis: Extracts from interviews, questionnaires, etc. Documents of the evaluated project, especially if it is mentioned in the report: Brochures, extracts from status reports, etc. If necessary the evaluation order / contract, including modifications done.    % & * + q  p q ( ) 2=PZ !VXrs{ƽƽ׵׬סh7@hfomH sH hfo5mHsHhfomHsHh7@5mH sH hfo5mH sH h7@mH sH hfomH sH hfo5CJaJmH sH hfoCJmH sH hfoCJmH sH 2\ p q   [ j $ & Fda$ $ & Fda$ $ & Fda$ $ & Fda$ $d@&a$ $da$ $da$ ) 6 Z *g   $ & Fda$ $ & Fda$ $d@&a$ $da$ $ & Fda$ $ & Fda$ p$~! $ & Fda$ $ & Fda$ $da$ $d@&a$ ,1h. 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